Here you will find information of Trojan Remote Administration Tools
(RAT). Also, here you will find ways, if any, to detect, remove,
disable, clean, or whatever way there is to rid yourself of these
programs. If you came here thinking you'd actually find RAT programs
then you're mistaking. I deal only with informing and removing of
such things.
Notice : This site does not provide a guarantee about the
effectiveness of the information provided. It also should be
stated that no program here can cause damage to your computer
so if you think that you may have a Trojan then feel free to
download and distribute the programs listed below.
Deep Throat : Program that will infect your
computer and will allow a remote user access.
BackOrifice : Program that will infect your
computer and will allow a remote user access.
Netbus: Program that will infect your
computer and will allow a remote user access.
BackDoor: Program that will infect your
computer and will allow a remote user access.
Now onto the ways to protect yourself from these. A common
misconception is that a Trojan will spread and act like a
virus. That's inaccurate. A Trojan basically creates a
door that the person who has the client program can open and gain
access to your computer. Sometimes they severly mess up
your registry which is bad as well as delete, create, or modify
Netbuster : A program that will keep Netbus off of your
computer. If it is on there then it will find and remove
it for you.
BO Scan : A program that will search your computer for
BackOrifice and if found will promptly remove it.
BO Detect : A program that will detect whether or not you
have BackOrifice. Unsure if it will delete it if found.
Cleaner V1.9a : A program that will scan your computer
for every Trojan know to man at the time of it's creation.
Currently outdated, but still very effective.
Cleaner 2.0 : This is newest version of the Cleaner. Does
everything the old one does but better.
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